Updated On: 03/15/2012 10:28:17 PM

Get Your Springer from
Chopper Enterprises

"At an Affordable Price...  And it's Nice"


All springers are handfabricated in house and are made with pride!!

  • Special options are available to our customers who need that "odd ball" size neck stem,  We now offer 3/4" neck stems, (mostly popular on most British oil in the frame) for your custom made front end!!

Please specify 1" or 3/4" neck stem when ordering

  • Universal 1" neck stem

  •  1" inch solid rear legs

  • 3/4" inch triple twisted, smooth, or square front legs your choice

  • Chrome acorn or spike hardware

  • Universal 5/8"th's axle hole

  • Universal 8"inch neck space (some necks may require spacers)

 If you wish to run a front brake, the following will work;

  • Single disc brake with small GMA caliper and bracket,

  • or

  • If you want to run a disk brake on our springers a Harley DavidsonŠ narrow glide front wheel assembly 84'-99'yrs. will work


  • or

  • Use our simple and popular spooly wheel

  • or

  • mini brake chopper wheel 


Click Here For 
Easy Ordering!


The Basic Special has smooth front legs, chrome upper and lower springs, chrome acorn hardware, and finished with semi-flat black paint.

- - Additional Costs for the RADICAL RIDER - - 

  • Add $200 for your front legs to have the TWISTED look

  • Add $50 for that SPIKED look on your springer



(note: these prices are for our very popular and affordable semi-flat black frontends.  Chrome frontends are special order only for additional $750 for full chrome triple plating).



Click Picture 
For Instructions 
How To Measure 
For Your New 
measure1.jpg (52972 bytes)

We here at Chopper Enterprises not only take pride in our products but the people buying them.  Always remember when measuring the frontend you want to level your chassis so the frame sits even with ground then give us exact measurements from bottom neck on frame to the axle hole on exact size front wheel you are going to run, as for these are special order so no refunds on your mistakes.  Semi-flat frontends list for $650.00 add $500.00 for full chrome triple plating.



Our new springers are one of a kind affordable and very easy to install.  Made from cold drawn steel, rear legs are all solid 1" round, and front legs are your choice of twisted, round, or square.  All neck stems are standard 1" inch width. The distance between legs is 6" and width between axle to axle is 8".  Axle holes are also standard 5/8" ths.

Our big sellers are our semi-flat black springers, with chrome springs, and chrome hardware.  Not just because of good looks and quality but because our prices are very reasonable. 

How To
Your Springer
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Fabrication Step-By-Step
(click on picture)

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Sometimes you've just got to chop it!

(click on picture)



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